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Community Events in Diamond Valley, Utah

The Diamond Valley Friends Facebook group is a good way to stay informed on events going on in the area, to keep up on various issues, and for viewing items being bartered or sold.  *Please bear in mind that this group is not moderated or maintained by the water company and is not a dependable method of communicating with the board members or it's employees.


-Pioneer Day:  On the 24th of July of each year there is a parade that leads from the Fire Station to the Diamond Valley Park where a breakfast is provided by the Fire Department. More information is shared on the Diamond Valley Friends Facebook page (link above) as the date draws near.


-Halloween:  The community holds a community Chili Cook-off & Trunk-or-Treat each year.  This event takes place in the north parking lot of the LDS church. More information is shared on the Diamond Valley Friends Facebook page (link above) as the date draws near.


-Turkey Trot: There is a Turkey Trot (5K run and 1 mile walk) put on by the community each Thanksgiving. More information is shared on the Diamond Valley Friends Facebook page (link above) as the date draws near.

Activities Committee


If you are interested in serving on the Activities Committee, please send an email to so that your info can be passed on to the appropriate individual.

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