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Autopay Authorization Date Change
All customers who are currently signed up for Autopay monthly water billing charges. The date for Autopay drafts will be changing to a set withdrawal date on the 25th of each month. For the current invoice of 8/10/2024 this will be processed for payment on the date you originally signed up for. Changes will take effect on the next invoice (Due October 9, 2024). All invoices that are sent out and dated 9/10/2024 will be processed for payment on 9/25/2024. Please email me with any questions or concerns at
Thank you
Maegan Belmont
435-268-1110 ext. 81
6/29/24 6:30 pm Boil Order Lift
-6/28/24 6:00 pm
Samples Came back clean. Boil Order still in place.
-6/27 12:40 pm Samples came back clean. Continue with Boil Order
-6/26/24 3:15 pm The Samples came back clean. Continue with Boil Order.
- 6/25/24 4:15 pm We have received the results of the water samples that were turned in on June 24th. We collected a sample from all 4 of our sample sites. There are 3 sites in the main part of the valley and one site in the upper end above the main water tanks. NONE of the samples were positive for Total Coliforms or E.coli. While this is good news we are still adding chlorine to the water, so the state will NOT count the samples towards lifting the boil order.
We intend to add chlorine until this evening (6/25/24). Also we will be increasing the dose as an extra measure of precaution to make sure any remaining bacteria are gone, so for the next 12-24 hours you may smell chlorine strongly. While the smell may be strong we will not be dosing beyond the 4 PPM maximum. Once the disinfection process is complete, and there is no chlorine left in the system, we will need to have two consecutive clean sample results.
Daily sampling will continue until the state approves lifting the boil order. Everyone's big question is, "How long can we expect?" We hope to be able to lift the boil order by Saturday, but at this time we CANNOT guarantee this. We ask for your continued patience and understanding as we work to bring this to an end.